Everybody Can Play
Event at Kulturnatta Göteborg 2024
At Kotte we strongly believe that everybody CAN play. Whether you're a child, a teenager, a grown-up or a pensioner.
We value intergenerational play and inclusiveness. We believe that play is for all!

Event Overview
We gathered around 25 participants during Kulturnatta (Cultural Night), for a few games of "tag", in the garden of Domkyrkan (Dome Church) in Gothenburg. Participants were overall between 2–40 years old, but mainly between 15–25 years old.
Before starting to play, we gave everyone some glow-sticks to wear as a playful way of distinguishing the participants from the rest of the public. These could be made into bracelets, necklaces, halos, or attached onto jackets or bags.
Freeze Tag
As a warm up, and as waiting for more people to join, we played a game of "Freeze Tag" in a smaller defined area in front of Domkyrkan. In this version everyone is a catcher, and when someone gets caught, they freeze until their catcher gets caught by someone else.
Cops and Robbers
Once we had more participants, we played the classic "Cops and Robbers" version of tag, where some participants were "cops", the rest are "robbers", and there is a "jail" to take "robbers" to when they are caught by the "cops". We played this version a few times. We played this game using the entire garden of Domkyrkan, and then half the garden of Domkyrkan for a faster paced game.

Event Review
Everyone who joined the game had a lot of fun! We heard genuine laughter and excitement from everyone we spoke to. Young and old(er), everyone let go of the societal expectations and ran around in a public space, playing a game of tag with strangers, in the dark.
Some young adults saw us wrap-up after the event was finished, and asked what were up to. We told them we were playing a game of tag, they were really excited and asked for this to repeat in the future!

Inspired by this project? Let’s collaborate and create something amazing!