Photo By: Amer Kapetanovic
Unpacking Play
Activity at the Anna Lindh Foundation Forum: Celebrating Our Diversity 2024
Kotte designed a group activity for the participants at the Anna Lindh Foundation Forum: Celebrating Our Diversity. The aim of the activity was to get the participants to disconnect, socialize and get to know each other a little bit, through playing games together.

Photo By: Amer Kapetanovic
Activity Overview
Since the Forum took place at the World Culture Museum in Gothenburg, we used the exhibition "A World of Games" for our activity. We designed the activity for many people to be able to take part, and so that people would be able to interact with as many of the activity participants as possible, while still spending quality time playing games.
The activity had to be limited to 45 minutes, therefore we divided the activity as following:
1. Introduction
We briefly introduced the activity and what the participants had to do in the next 25 minutes. Participants were randomly divided into groups of four. Every participant received:
An envelope—that they could not open until after the main activity
A score sheet—to keep track of their own score
An envelope—that they could not open until after the main activity
A score sheet—to keep track of their own score
2. The activity
Participants had to find and play two games of their choice during the 25 minutes, and could play an extra game if they had time left. At least one game had to be a board game, and one game had to be either a video game or a physical game (i.e. playing with tossing coins). Participants kept track of their own score while playing.
3. Discussion and Recap
After playing the games, participants met up again at the starting point. Everyone opened their envelopes and found out what larger team they are a part of. The original playing groups split up into bigger teams, everyone taking their own score and experiences from the activity.
In these new constellations participants had to add up the scores of everyone in the bigger team, to see who won, but more importantly had to discuss the question: "Why do we play?", then share with everyone else.
In these new constellations participants had to add up the scores of everyone in the bigger team, to see who won, but more importantly had to discuss the question: "Why do we play?", then share with everyone else.

PhotoS By: Amer Kapetanovic
During the activity we observed that participants were able to talk to people they have not interacted with prior to the activity. They were able to play, compete, and even socialize.
At the final discussion, participants shared their thoughts on the question "Why do we play?", and some of the answers that were in common were: to disconnect, to connect, to socialize.
One answer stuck out, and it was "because we are human".
Play is powerful. Play can help overcome fears. Play can help process trauma. Play can aid in learning new skills. Play can disconnect us from our worries. Play can connect us with each other. Play can promote diversity.
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